How to Submit an Appeal

Admission to Florida State University is selective, and applications are reviewed in a holistic manner. No single criterion guarantees admission to the university. Rather, we consider all information submitted with the application. This holistic review process confirms that you have graduated from a regionally accredited high school (or the equivalent) with specific academic courses, have a competitive cumulative grade point average based on these courses, and have achieved a competitive ACT, CLT, or SAT test score. Additional factors include the rigor and quality of the courses and curriculum you have taken while in high school; the strength of your senior schedule; your senior-year math level; the number of sequential years you had in a world language; the quality of your written essay; and your extracurricular activities. Due to the thoroughness of our application review process, it is unusual for us to reverse an admission decision. We will consider an appeal only if it reveals new academic or personal information that was not present in your initial admission application.


All appeals are reviewed by the University Admissions Committee and all decisions are final.


Appeals Deadlines
  • Learning Differences Appeal
    • March - The deadline to receive all documents is 5:00 pm on February 23rd. Final decisions will be released by March 8th.
    • April - The deadline to receive all documents is 5:00 pm on March 29th. Final decisions will be released by April 12th.
    • May - The deadline to receive all documents is 5:00 pm on May 3rd. Final decisions will be released by May 17th.

  • General Appeals - The deadline to receive all documentation is 5:00 pm on May 3rd. Final decisions will be released by May 17th.

All appeals and supporting documents must be received by close of business day (5 pm Eastern Time).

Our mid-ranges for students accepted for the fall are:

Academic Core GPA SAT Score ACT Score
4.2 - 4.6 1360 - 1470 30 - 33

Our mid-ranges for students accepted for the summer are:

Academic Core GPA SAT Score ACT Score
4.1 - 4.5 1280 - 1360 28 - 30

Carefully review our appeal guidelines described below.

Appeal Reason Recommended Supporting Documents
Grade Change - One or more of your grades has changed.
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Updated SSAR including changed grade(s)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)
Learning Differences - One or more disorders which may affect the acquisition, organization, retention, understanding or use of verbal or nonverbal information.
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Documentation highlighting the impact of the learning difference from an appropriately credentialed practitioner to diagnose the condition (e.g., Adult Normed Psychoeducational Evaluation, Signed letter—on letterhead—from a medical or mental health practitioner, or Medical records/diagnostic summaries)
  • Updated SSAR including mid-year grades (if not already on file)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)
Medical - A medical condition / illness / surgery that negatively impacted your grade(s).
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Documentation from your healthcare provider detailing the medical condition.
  • Updated SSAR including mid-year grades (if not already on file)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)
Other Life Circumstances - A life event that negatively impacted your grades.
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Documentation of the extenuating circumstances
  • Updated SSAR including mid-year grades (if not already on file)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)
Information we will NOT consider:
  • Appeal letter written by anyone other than the student
  • ACT, CLT, and SAT scores from exams taken after February of the student's senior year
  • An increase in extracurricular and/or non-school-related activities
  • An in-person interview

You must email your appeal letter and all supporting documents to Please add Appeal in the subject line.

All appeals are reviewed by the University Admissions Committee and all decisions are final.